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About Me



I'm Quynh! I am about to start a whole new life chapter and invite you to follow me along on this journey.


For the past four years I've been working in a media agency, buying ad space for clients. One day, I wanted to become a software developer.


How that wish came about? At work I noticed the immense amount of time we spend on repetitive tasks that required a very simple logic tree to be executed. So thoughts of a certain kind kept popping up: "If only I could pay a software developer to design this and this feature, we would save so much time..."


This went on for months, even a year. Then one day something clicked. A friend of mine, a software engineer, was describing his day to day life. What he did sounded like, "There are a bunch of problems, we pick one, take them apart, and solve them." That sounded like fun! As if you had puzzles and riddles to solve every day. That's what I want! 


But - there was this doubt. My father is a software engineer, my brother is an IT project manager - these jobs are for boys! And I can't program, I can't code, I don't have a computer science degree.


Then, I stumbled across The message was simple: EVERYONE can code. Everyone SHOULD code. Even elementary school kids are being taught how to code. So why not me?! 


I could be that software developer.


My first baby steps were taken on KhanhAcademy and my first lines of code put out a triangle on the screen. I've never seen such a beautiful crooked triangle before!


So I was hooked. It's like learning a foreign language, which has always been one of my passions. And the best part - programming language have a solid grammar, they don't have weird exceptions like, let's say French.


Reaching my goal to work as a software developer will take, time, effort, sweat, blood, you name it! But most importantly, I am entering a world, where there is a seemingly infinitely amount to learn.


And it starts here and now in New York - I am diving head first into a coding bootcamp. For 15 weeks I am voluntarily asking to be pushed to my intellectual and motivational limits. And it already feels like one of the best decisions I've ever made.


Contact Me:

On my way to school in the morning. Especially proud of my helmet that makes me look incredibly safe.

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