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Bootcamp Life Week 15 - Graduation

We graduated! The 15 weeks in our bootcamp have come to an end.

Monday through Wednesday meant: SPRINT! Only three more days to finish my final project! My app was working, but with a few persistent bugs, so I spent most of the time debugging existing functionality rather than building new features. Although I had to scale down my expectations for my app functionality alot during the course of the project, I am happy with the fact that I got it to work the way I wanted.

Thursday - Science Fair@ Flatiron School:

This is THE day we have been working towards in the past 15 weeks. We present our final projects!

We have all been given the knowledge and tools to build something pretty cool. And looking at all the results, they are as individual and colorful as our personalities. Geography multi-player game, SMS Emoji Encrypter, Music Event Scrapbook, … And what did I do?


I created a Habit Tracker:

Let’s say you want to build up a new habit like “Make your bed every morning”. The thing is, these type of tasks are not difficult but we keep forgetting them. It takes up to three months of CONSISTENT repetition until this habit becomes automatic and effortless.

My app helps you to keep track of and remember your habits. Every day that you completed a habit you check it off. And over time you can see your weekly completion rates to see how you are doing.

Take a peek:

When the Science Fair was over I had mixed feelings. On the one hand relieved that we survived 15 intense bootcamp weeks, where we put hard work and hours into cramming knowledge into our brains. On the other hand, there is this sadness that it is over. I cannot believe that I will not come to class every day any more. And when I build a project, there won’t be instructors around to ask for help. Now I am on my own…!

The graduation ceremony took place on the next day. Friends and family were invited to join in the proud and excited moments.

We are officially graduated!

School is over. We are ‘adults’ now. Reality and life is creeping into our daily routine. For most of us this means interview prep, building more projects for our portfolios, practicing coding challenges, and keep on learning, learning, learning.

We will not stop here. This is just the very beginning of a long and fruitful path of learning, building, and pursuing our passions.

Congrats to the Class of 051517 aka "Rakes on Rakes on Rakes"!

We did it!

"Learn. Love. Code"

By Flatiron's co-founder Avi Flombaum

Today is the Day!

Graduation Ceremony with Friends and Family

Happy Graduation!

In case you forgot...

It is Thursday! Science Fair is here!

Setting up for the Science Fair -

Set up screens, tidy up Hopper, refresh Make Up, run through demos for a perfect presentation

I Am Ready To Present My Project!

Along with a handful of pistachios...

Computer Science Lecture

Today's topic: Hashmaps and Big O

I am gonna miss you

School is over and I am going to miss going to this amazing buffet at Essen. Seriously, NY has many good buffets, but this is definitely one of the best: Essen in Financial District. The selection is HUMONGOUS and yummy.

Solar Eclipse - The Craze Starts

See that guy putting that cereal box in front of his face? It means... Solar Eclipse!

Solar Eclipse - The War Begins

See that guy holding up half a paper solar glass? He was auctioning off that thing! Current bid: $2

Solar Eclipse - And The Fad Is Over

Fame fades as fast as it comes. Lonely solar glasses...

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