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Bootcamp Life Week 9 - Project Mode

It is week 3 of Module 3. You've guessed it. It is project week!

Pat and I form our mini group. What's new this week? We use Javascript! This means we can incorporate alot of interactivity into our web apps. Friend or Foe for ideation? The possibilities for finding an idea for a project seem endless. We were playing around with the idea of building Tetris, a Jump'n Run game, Pong, etc. But our instructors advised against animated games for now. We should rather have a simple idea, like Tic Tac Toe or Hangman, and rather focus on implement it with clean and stable backend. Hmm, the idea of building Tic Tac Toe does not sound very sexy... But how about "The Mill"? It is a non-animated board game, has a similar logic to Tic Tac Toe but with more complexity. Perfect!

The Mill

Interesting cultural observation: none of my American classmates knew the game. In Germany, every child has played this game.

The only three people who knew The Mill had been dating a German or lived in Germany for a while.

Day 1: Our Board

lt does not look like a lot. But it took some serious deep-diving into HTML and CSS in order to make this board. How to place the circles exactly on the nodes? How to make the sizing responsive?

The board consists of seven boxes. The three nested and centered ones + four quarter boxes.

Day 4: The Completed Game

Add some game Javascript logic, CSS styling, and make special use of blinking text and colors - perfect recipe for a fun browser game!

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