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Life After Bootcamp

Going From This...

... To This

I miss school!

Said the Asian Nerd.

Which... I am!


What Am I Doing These Days?

Now that I do not have to go to school any more? This pretty much sums it up: studying and eating veggies.

I am still going to campus every single day from nine to five. People say that looking for a job is a full time job and they are right. Especially as a programmer you have to pass technical interviews and coding challenges. This means studying, studying, studying. It is like studying for a tough exam where they did not specify the topic, so you have to know everything...

I Need To Go To Every Single Tech Event! Nope.

Also, now that we are done with school and want to launch our careers as developers we figured we'd go to every tech related event. Immerse in the tech culture! Build your network! Stay in touch with the tech scene!

So we went to a conference called Mobile Growth. Turns out these things can be pretty boring and a waste of time. I could have used the time much more effectively with studying. Learning: we need to be much smarter with our selection of events we go to.

The Brooklyn Cat Cafe

I needed comfort, to ease the transition from having a full student schedule to full time job-seeking. Did you know that there is a cafe in NY where you can cuddle with cats? The Brooklyn Cat Cafe is full of cute fluffy cats! They are available for adoption and each hour is charged for $5 that goes as a donation towards cat food, blankets, vet visits, etc.

Such a lovely and soothing place!

My Vegan Heart Loves Summer Food and Autumn Food

Yes, that's right. I became vegan. Why?

My doctor told me that my cholesterol is through the roof! Is my crazy keto diet the scapegoat? Who knows...

Now it's HIGH CARB and LOW FAT time! And so far, it is AHMAAZING. It's like I've been born to be a vegan, I love carbs, veggies and fruit and do not care that much about fat.

The best about this? It is not only healthy, but also reduces my environmental footprint and most of all - no animal has to be killed. Win, win, win, win, win!!!


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